Practitioners Area
YP Planning for Family Agreement

YP Planning for Family Agreement

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  • To get the young person prepared for the family session
Practitioner Guidance

The aim of this discussion is to get the young person prepared for the family session ‘F2 Making the Family Agreement’, which occurs in week 4 of the programme (the next session). This exercise helps the YP to pull their thoughts together without any pressure. You want them to think about the kinds of things they would like to see in the family agreement and what rewards and consequences they think would be useful. It’s important to get their buy in to the process. This is their family agreement too. If other family members are engaging in violent or harmful behaviours, then this should also receive a consequence.  When you all get together in the Family Agreement session, everyone will be able to give their suggestions and you will help everyone involved to come to an agreement. The agreement will then be reviewed at regular intervals throughout the programme. This will help practitioners give praise for the things that are going well and to make amendments to the agreement where needed. It’s a process rather than a one-off event. This should also be explained to the YP. 

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