Practitioners Area
Influences on the Behaviour - Is It All My Fault?

Influences on the Behaviour - Is It All My Fault?

Based on
Who’s in charge?’ a model for empowering parents of out-of-control children
Credited to
Eddie Gallagher
  • Consider the full range of influences throughout the system – the ‘drivers’ and supporters of the abuse 
  • Build a therapeutic relationship with the parent by gaining an understanding of their world 
Practitioner Guidance

It is helpful to begin working with the parent by asking them to help you to understand how and why their child has come to behave like this. The tone of this exercise is very much about dropping the ‘expert’ position and getting alongside the parent to explore the problem. 

This exercise has two main purposes – one is to structure a discussion about a broad range of potential causal influences on the child’s out-of-control behaviour. This will increase both parents and worker’s understanding and empathy. The second purpose is to help the parent to get some perspective on just how little they themselves have contributed causally to the behaviour. The point of this is to diminish their self-blame and guilt which can hamper their ability to take change. 

The parent is encouraged to think of only one child at a time and to fill out the sheet. At each possible source of influence ask the parent to elaborate and explain. This will give you a really comprehensive understanding of the family and their wider context.

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