Practitioners Area
Draft Agreement

Draft Agreement

Based on
Behaviour therapy. Safety planning. MST.
Credited to
  • Identify priority behaviours to target 
  • Identify appropriate consequences and rewards 
  • Pre-empt what if’s 
  • Establish an effective safety plan or plans

Practitioner Guidance

In this exercise you will use the remainder of the Jason’s story resource to look at the pros and cons of Ruth’s family agreement. You will find this on the Vimeo resource ‘Jason’s Story’ 8 minutes 24 seconds into the content. The idea is to get the parent to think about how to best complete their own family agreement. You will have already completed H09 in the previous exercise but once you’ve gone over the strengths and weaknesses of Ruth’s agreement you can go over the handout again and see if there is anything the parent would like to tighten or add. 

Exercise Handouts
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