Healthy Relationships

Ruth's Nightmare

Session Introduction

Most YP use their mobile phones as the primary way to access the internet and are regular users of mobile phone applications like Snapchat and WhatsApp as well as social media sites where images can be shared with huge audiences in a matter of seconds. As a result of regular image sharing and selfie taking, it is becoming more common for teenagers to request nudes (naked pictures) from each other, sometimes when in relationships but often as a precursor to having a physical relationship with someone, as a way of expressing interest or as part of what YPs refer to as “talking to” or “chatting to” each other.

Terminology: YP will often refer to nude pictures as “nudes” or simply “pics”.

Sending pics or nudes via text message is sometimes referred to as “sexting”.

Given the increasing popularity of sharing nudes amongst YP it is crucial for them to know that any sharing of naked pictures of under 18 year olds is technically a criminal offence and therefore being put under pressure to share nudes is not OK, so other YP should respect an individual’s boundaries around this. While it can seem like a good idea at the time, anybody may change their mind in the future but be unable to ensure images are deleted. Nudes can play a part in unhealthy relationship behaviours as well and we want YP to make decisions that feel right to them. We also want to improve their understanding of why people might send nudes and increase awareness of the kinds of strategies they can use if they do not want to take part in either sending or asking for these images.

Credited to
ThinkUKnow: CEOP, adapted by Young People’s Service
Handouts, resource sheet
  • To understand the impact sharing private pictures or videos can have
Learning Objective
  • For the YP to be able to describe the impact sharing nudes may have
  • For the YP to be clear on the law regarding sharing nudes
  • For the YP to know how to seek help, and who are the various people and organisations who can provide support with problems YP may face online
Practitioner Guidance

This exercise focuses on the impact of sharing other people’s nudes. Images that have been initially shared consensually are sometimes forwarded on without the permission of the person in the image. The images can then be shared really quickly on applications like WhatsApp in group messages and also online. This can have a devastating impact on the person in the images but YP will often forward such images without any thought for the how the victim is affected, or might believe it is “just a laugh”.

Additionally, if a YP is using abuse in their relationships they might send images of their partners during or after the relationship in what is known as “revenge porn”.

Both these types of image sharing can result in Police involvement as they are criminal offences and have a serious impact on the victim which can be long-lasting. This exercise aims to help YP develop empathy for the victims of this type of offence. It also helps YP to understand that they should never share such images or videos as they are committing an offence if they do. Finally, the session finishes with a resource sheet which should be given out to all of the YP so they have tools to help themselves or their friends if this happens to them. There are ways of removing images and having them tagged, they can get help if they access the appropriate resources.

Be sensitive to the fact that this may have happened to the YP you are working with or someone they know. If you are working alone with the YP you can discuss this with them. If you are working in a group, you should give YP the opportunity to let you know about this. You may wish to use the Ask it Basket for this giving each YP a Post-It note to write whether they feel this subject has affected them directly. Don’t forget to get them to put them their name on the top so you can follow up with them. If you check the notes and you do have to follow up you can set a break or an activity task and ask the YP to help you give out the handouts needed for the next session so you can speak to them directly but discreetly.

If you do have disclosures you should support the YP to use the resources in the sheet to report and potentially remove the images.

Exercise Handouts
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